The Scandinavian Centre in London ...A Window on Scandinavia, A Gateway to the World...
The Scandinavian Centre: International Expansion and Inward Investment.
The Scandinavian Centre will provide Scandinavian/Nordic corporations and institutions-both large and small- with an exciting, high profile and efficient platform from which to promote their international business.
Simultaneously, The Centre will create a unique forum for Scandinavian regional and national inward investment agencies to attract foreign direct investment. It will also create an opportunity for Scandinavian industrial and venture capital companies to mobilise international financiers for investments in Scandinavia and abroad.
London: A Gateway to the World. A Second Home at the Centre of World Affairs.

The 17th and 21st Centuries meet. St. Pauls Cathedral and Millenium Bridge.
London is unquestionably one of the Worlds most exciting and dynamic capital cities. It is also one of the most international world capitals measured in terms of business, tourism and events, the number and diversity of foreign corporations, inward investment, financial services, diversity of race and links with other countries.
Yet London is less than 2,5 hours away. The Scandinavian Centre will provide an opportunity for companies to combine the benefits of an enhanced Scandinavian profile, in an environment which actively supports the individual organisation and affords access to all of the benefits which a location in London can offer.
"Scandinavia": a Universal Trademark.
Within an international context, the term "Scandinavian" stands for quality, sound business ethics and environmental friendliness. It also represents a tradition of innovation, a healthy lifestyle and a close affinity to the natural environment. The Scandinavian Centre will be a physical manifestation of these universally appreciated and respected values bringing together progressive Scandinavian organisations who can operate within an environment which is highly conducive to the promotion of their business.
"Scandinavia": A Global Perception. A Domestic Reality.
The Scandinavian/Nordic Region today represents a highly integrated business environment with extensive cross ownership and other forms of strategic alliances between corporations and public bodies.
The Region is widely regarded as a home market for many Scandinavian organisations. By enhancing their "Scandinavian" profile, companies will strenthen their individual profiles on the global marketplace.
The Scandinavia Centre can offer you all this!
The Scandinavian Centre will offer organisations, large and small, an enhanced profile, cost-effective facilities, access to business intelligence and support services and an attractive and stimulating working and social environment. In addition, the in-house proximity to other Scandinavian organisations with complimentary capabilities makes for easy networking and the generation of potential synergies through the exchange of ideas and the formation of in-house alliances.
History and Culture.
- Modern, attractive and cost-effective office accommodation all within a high-profile, centrally located, building with exciting Scandinavian design and genuine Scandinavian atmosphere.
- Wide range of optional, commonly available, facilities will make it possible for companies to minimise individual office space requirements and, therefore, basic rental costs.
- High-profile common Reception enhancing the individual organisation's standing and efficiency.
- Business support facilities ranging from legal assistance, bookkeeping, secretarial, translation support, PR/information assistance and access to an in-house travel agency and other services.
- Business Intelligence and networking service (see BIS)
- Display area for the holding of exhibitions and demonstrations
- Shopping outlets selling Scandinavian products, systems and services.
- In-house gymnasium and regular "Friskis och Svettis" type activities.
- State-of-the-art conference and seminar facilities.
- Scandinavian restaurant and cafe
- In-house parking facilities.
- Club facilities (See "Scandinavian Club")
The Business Intelligence Service (BIS): The Scandinavian Centre as a "Corporate Greenhouse"
The BIS will offer tenant companies strategic information on the UK and international business climate, commercial institutions and a contact network related to decision-making channels in industrial corporations and public bodies.
In supporting its tenants with commercial expertise, the Scandinavian Centre will operate as a "Corporate Greenhouse" by offering a competitivity-enhancing environment for companies engaged in international expansion.
The Scandinavian Centre will also closely collaborate with the Swedish, Finnish, Danish, Norwegian and Icelandic Embassies, Trade Offices and Chambers of Commerce.
The "Opportunity Scandinavia" Bureau.
The Bureau will work to enhance the image of the Scandinavian/Nordic region area offering opportunities for forging global business relationships.
The Bureau will also promote the Region as a viable target for inward investment and an attractive place to visit.
The Bureau will actively promote Scandinavia through promotional events and media initiatives and will collaborate closely with the various national
Inward Investment Agencies and Tourist Offices.
The Scandinavian Club
A meeting place for persons from Scandinavia and abroad engaged in business and cultural pursuits with Scandinavia. The Club will provide access to exclusive, comfortable, and intimate meeting rooms, the Viking Bar and facilities for entertainment.
A Strategic, High-profile, Location
The Scandinavian Centre will be located in the heart of London. Planning negotiations are currently underway and details of the exact location will be made available during Summer 2002.
To Scandinavian Centre will be located close to public transport systems (underground, railway stations, bus services) on a main street affording a high level of commercial exposure.
The Centre will be designed in accordance with the best Scandinavian architectural tradition and will represent a flagship edifice of Scandinavian style, progress and innovation.
Time Programme
Building works will commence during mid 2005 and be completed ready for occupation during 2006.
A detailed time programme will be available during December 2004.
The Developers
The Scandinavian Centre is being developed by The Scandinavian Centre Group comprising several Scandinavian and International investment corporations.
The Windborne International Group participate in this Group both as developmental partners and project managers.
If you are interested in the possibility of establishing activities at The Scandinavian Centre and would like to learn more, please contact us at the address below.
In replying to us, we would welcome any specific views you may have with regards to The Scandinavian Centre's future character, facilities and activities and as to how these may be further refined to afford maximum benefit for your company.
Contact address:
The Scandinavia Centre in London
c/o The Windborne International Group
Villagatan 13 B
S-114 32 Stockholm
Tel: 00 46-8-611 55 30
e-mail: hq@windborne.se