Stockholm Parkviken incorporating Biotron Innovation Park

Biotron Innovation Park will represent a stimulating and creative environment for research, development, entrepreneurship and corporate activities with the field of biotronics; the dynamic interface between biotechnology, ICT and engineering.
When completed, BIP will comprise over 200,000 m2 offices, laboratories, testing facilities, conference centre, shops, leisure facilities and housing and be the workplace and/or home for over 8000 persons.
BIP's most important asset, people, will be the focal point when creating an environment which sympathetically and sustainably harmonises buildings with people and the natural miljeu.
Within Stockholm Parkviken, in direct contact with Biotron Innovation Park , housing will be provided both for permanent residents, visiting researchers and students. A hostel is planned to provide accommodation for shorter term visitors.
It is proposed that the housing will predominantly take the form of 'town houses' and apartments blending both with the natural environment and the Innovation Park.